
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

$345.10 Thank you ma'am

I live in the Midwest and I love to watch the seasons change. Fall is my favorite, followed closely by Spring. I'm not a fan of Winter, and I'm no snow bunny. I can't remember the last time it has snowed so much. We are definitely using the snow blower this year. Ah, the snow blower. That brings us to this blog posting. A few weeks ago I was off work and it snowed over 8 inches that day. My husband is a total freak when it comes to getting the drive way cleared. He'll go out and snow blow every hour to keep it from accumulating. He had to go to work that day. I thought it would be a nice gesture to have him come home to a nice clean driveway. I snow blowed the driveway several times that day. I was so impressed with myself. Getting the snow blower to start was a small feat in itself. Look at me go! What a great wife! Until......somehow, a little bitty landscaping rock got propelled at about 100 miles per hour onto our porch. I looked all around and felt relieved that nothing was broke!
Then I came into the house, changed my clothes, made myself a nice cup of hot coffee, walked into the living room and saw this! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I broke the tandem glass above our front door. Then I had to get a ladder out and duct tape it to prevent it from shattering.
I called my husband and told him what I had done. He was so nice and understanding about the whole situation, but I was just so upset! It's like getting a ticket when you're on your way to donate food to a soup kitchen (that's another story!)
Anyway, The very nice people from Binswanger Glass  came out and measured the glass and had a new one up later that week.
All is over and done but it still makes me mad. It snowed again a few days later and my husband asked me not to snow blow, he started laughing and said "we don't have another $300 bucks to spare". Thank God we can laugh about it now! Thank God it wasn't the picture window to the left. That would have cost us over $1000.00 to replace! Lord help me!


  1. Ughhh! I seriously hate it when things like that happen. At least you got the glass fixed quickly AND it wasn't the picture window. I've been thinking about Chichilina during all the snow and ridiculously cold weather we have been experiencing here in K.C. ... the dobes most certainly aren't fans. :)

  2. that stinks, i hate when you do something nice and it bites you in the behind. no good dead goes unpunished. i love the wallpaper in your dining room, if it's paper, or did you stencil it? anyway, love it, and the transom window!

  3. I feel for you, Nancy, I always think that stuff only happens to me - but most of the time people don't talk about it! Its great that you can joke about it now. Next time you can just stay warm and leave the heavy equipment to your hubby! :-) ~Lori
