
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Who Done It?

What's going on here? Who killed all of these toys?
Their butts, snouts, eyes, and other non-mentionable parts are all torn!
Now look at this! Who could do this to such a nice toy?
And this! A total butt blowout!
And this too!
Most certainly not this precious, loving, animal!
Why, look at her. She is guarding them like they're her own babies.

Gently kissing and consoling them
Well, I can't let my baby go with out her trusty giraffe.
Why, this poor thing is blind in one eye too.......
This little bird is going to get a little plastic surgery. A butt job with a new squeaker. Sort of like a boob job.
See, Chichilina is giving her some kisses. Chichilina, what are you doing? Your eyes looked a little crazed.
CHICHILINA! What are you doing??? The Giraffe is status post surgery and should be in recovery and your already chewing on her?
OH! NO! It's you! You're the toy killer!
What has this poor toy done to you?
Well! I hope your happy toy killer! I refuse to sew it up AGAIN!

Humm...Don Corleone?


  1. Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh this Monday morning and thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm now following your blog and looking forward to reading more of it.

    Kentucky Frugalista

  2. LOL! Kiss my ring . . .er I mean. . .collar? So hilarious! Following back from FMBT!!

  3. haha She is sooooooooo cute!! What an adorable post!!!

  4. I am a new follower.
    Please follow me back.

  5. How funny! You sure made my day. I am your new follower. You can follow me back at Make sure you leave a comment so I know you visited.

    Have a great weekend

  6. Stopping by from a tuesday blog hop and hope to see you by my blog too.
    I have 4 blogs, you can follow all 4 or pick the one(s) that best suits you.
    Twitter: tawna6988

  7. I can't believe that little girl is such a master at toy mauling! She looks too sweet. :) I have done my share of stuffed animal reconstructive surgery, too. As you saw this past Saturday, my dobes have made my husband's study look like a pet cemetary. Thanks for such an entertaining post.

  8. LOL!! Tooo cute! Boy, we have A LOT of toys with no stuffing in them too! Your little chihuahua is just adorable! Thanks so much for coming by my blog and for your funny comment and follow. Following you back! :)

  9. Omg, this post had me rolling! You are so funny...all the surgical remarks were especially funny to me because I work at a surgery center. What a cute dog!

  10. Our dog does the same thing with his toys!
